It’s no secret you plant a vineyard for the next generation. It’s funny that people often say this is a game of patience, when in fact you’re restless, always investing and ultimately at the mercy of Mother Nature. But it’s that dependency on our climate that rallied our environmental stewardship – to treat our land and community with kindness. Sustainability became part of our DNA. We soon realised, everything we’ve done and strive to achieve, is Beyond Rathfinny.

We are proud to be a B Corp!

Rathfinny is part of a new wave of businesses that balance purpose and profit. This means we are legally required to consider the impact of every decision we make on society and the environment. You can rest assured that we are upholding the highest standards of environmental care and working conditions for our staff. By supporting Rathfinny, you can contribute to sustainable innovation and hold us accountable to our cause.


Vineyard worker in the vines leaf stripping


“We are committed to producing exceptional wines and experiences, enjoyed the world over, that reveal the character of our family estate in Sussex, using methods that are kind to our land, people, community and wider environment.” Our Rathfinny Mission.

Cows on the Vineyard


Everything we do is rooted in our sense of place. The area occupied by our Estate in the South Downs countryside has been farmed for thousands of years. It is likely that wine was produced in Sussex over two thousand years ago, although the modern Sussex wine industry started in the 1970s. Thanks to our phenomenal terroir, we are dedicated to conserving the land for generations to come.

Rathfinny harvest


As a family-owned Wine Estate, we consider our team and the nearby community part of the wider Rathfinny family. We are committed to bringing them on our journey, investing in their professional development and enriching their lives.

Michelle Trusselle Pouring Rathfinny Rosé


Producing world-class sparkling wine demands great attention to detail. Therefore, every aspect of our production process, from growing grapes, to packaging and storing the wines in our temperature-controlled cellar, takes place on the Estate. Our ‘hands-on’ viticulture practices ensure we create the finest quality wines and goes a long way to help the environment.

2018 Classic Cuvee Magnum in Produce Box


With Sussex fast becoming the heart of the English winelands, our aim is to provide our customers with truly memorable Rathfinny experiences when they visit our Estate. We continue to improve our eco-friendly wine tourism offer, focusing on key initiatives, including locally sourced, seasonal ingredients in our restaurants, renewable energy and reducing single-use products.

Shrub Market Stall at Rathfinny
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How we have built a sustainable vineyard dining experience

As a B Corp, sustainable decisions are made at every turn. Executive Estate Chef, Chris Bailey and his team have shaped our philosophy that Modern British cuisine can be ethical and delicious. With a focus on sourcing seasonal produce and developing meaningful relationships with our suppliers, our hospitality team have a hands-on appreciation for working with fresh, quality ingredients with knowledge of the origin and how this feeds into our wider sustainability strategy.

Rathfinny Run
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The Charities we Support


Solar Panels at Rathfinny Wine Estate
Renewable energy

Community Share Initiative

Sarah Stood in wildflowers above the vines
The journey to achieve

B CORP Status