Sarah’s blog…
Wow! What can I say? What a weekend that was! Can I first of all thank everyone who came and supported us, for those who trusted me when I said Conchord are exceptional, Conchord at Rathfinny will be special & you won’t be disappointed.
“I cannot recall a musical occasion that I have enjoyed so much and I have been to many.”
“I think that was simply the happiest and most stimulating weekend I have had for at least 21 years!”
“Rathfinny proves to be the PERFECT backdrop for Conchord – and LIFE!”
Here’s some of the feedback we’ve had:
We started with our opening black tie dinner – though guess who forgot his DJ and turned up in jeans and had to borrow the pianist’s jacket- Mark! We forgave him as it was his birthday. Wonderful music, paired to great wines talked through by Mark along with a delicious meal. The Chacra Pinot Noir from Argentina was exceptional.

“I can’t remember a more perfect evening!”
Things just got better and better. For me the Piano Four Hands was a revelation – I have literally never seen anything like it. The Gala Evening, kicked off with a interview led by Michael Berkeley saw our co-commission with Charlston, Rhythm of Silence, (performed last week at Latitude) and then we had the delight of Dame Felicity Lott. The Cafe Conchord at the end of the evening saw Conchord stamping away their gypsy music while late guests danced as dusk fell.
“What an astonishing experience.”
“Wonderful, exciting and hairs standing up on the back of my neck music. A triumph!”
Sunday was equally spectacular and the best thing for me, was the atmosphere the whole weekend. People were excited and enthusiastic. We had a group of Russian ladies, dressed to the nines, picnicking on the presses and to see rows of tables on the balcony and people on blankets looking over the vines was very special.
There is a downside though. It was incredibly hard work and I literally had no idea what was involved when Emily and I came up with the idea as we sewed our quilts. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t have sleepless nights beforehand wondering if anyone would come and how it was all going to work. There’s also the question of cost – who knew that most festivals are lucky to break even by year 3?? (Don’t tell my husband!)
However, now the dust has settled and the tiredness has abated, it’s time to think about next year! We would be really grateful if those of you who came can fill out the confidential questionnaire we are sending out by survey monkey – we won’t know who you are, so say what you want.
SAVE THE DATE – 10th -12th JUNE, 2016
Special Guest
Roderick Williams
We are so lucky to have Roddy coming down to sing – he’s a close friend of Conchord, which is great as he’s booked solidly for the next 3 years. Here he is singing at the Last Night of the Proms, 2014 and you can see him at this year’s Proms with Sir Simon Rattle on Friday, 11th September.
“Something that will surely establish itself as a landmark moment in the cultural calendar”