This is Jim Stanford. Jim is a semi-retired Nurse who has been working in the Vineyard, three days a week for the last two years. Previously, Jim spent 30 years working as a Nurse and Manager in an HIV unit in Brighton, where he continues to work a couple of days a month alongside his job at Rathfinny.
What attracted Jim to Rathfinny? The flexible working hours, stress-free work, easy commute, fresh air and beautiful countryside, partnered with a team spirit, made it the perfect first step towards retirement.
Jim is very excited to be involved in the UK’s growing wine industry and particularly enjoys learning the skill of pruning which he sees as a form of art as well as a science.
As a result of the current health crisis, Jim has recently been asked to return to nursing at his old unit on a full-time basis as the number of patients is expected to rise alongside staff shortages.
We wish you the best of luck Jim and look forward to welcoming you back to Rathfinny for harvest.